Four Pillars of TOC! #BlogchatterAtoZ

This post is a part of A-Z Challenge for bloggers, that takes place every year in the month of April. Bloggers take part in this challenge for self-improvement and to overcome the “writer’s block”. Each one of us writes one article every day, starting from the alphabet ‘A’, right up to ‘Z’. My theme for... Continue Reading →

The Funniest Memes of 2020

Bidding Adieu to 2020 on a funny note... Australian bushfires, Indonesian flash floods, various volcanic eruptions, major earthquakes across the world, locust swarms, cyclone Amphan, Uttarakhand forest fires, Beirut explosion, and the show stopper, COVID-19, and other innumerable catastrophes! THAT WAS THE YEAR 2020 summed up for you! I guess all of us who’ve witnessed... Continue Reading →

THIS or THAT Episode 8: Is there any Other Option?

This year my theme for the #MyFriendAlexa campaign is “This or That”. Here, I’ll be putting up a day-to-day scenario that mostly all of us face sometime or the other, along with two different ways in which we can react towards those scenarios – either “This” or “That”. So, let’s look at today’s scenario! _______________________________________________________________... Continue Reading →

THIS or THAT Episode 7: Old is not always Gold

This year my theme for the #MyFriendAlexa campaign is “This or That”. Here, I’ll be putting up a day-to-day scenario that mostly all of us face sometime or the other, along with two different ways in which we can react towards those scenarios – either “This” or “That”. So, let’s look at today’s scenario! _______________________________________________________________... Continue Reading →

THIS or THAT Episode 6: “Log kya Kahenge?” ya fir “Kuch toh Log Kahenge!”

This year my theme for the #MyFriendAlexa campaign is “This or That”. Here, I’ll be putting up a day-to-day scenario that mostly all of us face sometime or the other, along with two different ways in which we can react towards those scenarios – either “This” or “That”. So, let’s look at today’s scenario! _______________________________________________________________... Continue Reading →

THIS or THAT Episode 5: I have a different perspective, doesn’t mean I hate yours

This year my theme for the #MyFriendAlexa campaign is “This or That”. Here, I’ll be putting up a day-to-day scenario that mostly all of us face sometime or the other, along with two different ways in which we can react towards those scenarios – either “This” or “That”. So, let’s look at today’s scenario! _______________________________________________________________... Continue Reading →

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